Hey Ira! :
Good point. I did already look around the county site, and saw some info, but none of it actionable / pending. More of hopeful
dreams and sketches of ideas (if you know of something certain, please let me know!) .
I think there is a chicken-egg problem on this, between the townships / County seeing need, and executing on a plan. I outlined a rough progress path below (and at https://delcogreenway.com/bikeshare ) . Worst case is we prove demand, have some fun, and shut down.
AKA If the County steps up and makes something before I get anywhere, that is fine by me. But coming out of DIY / Punk / Hackerspace community, I'd like to get something DIY going to get momentum.
Below is a DRAFT vision progress-path. It really needs to be an agreed goal by those 2-5 core people who will throw a few hours at this a month, but it's there as a starting point.
(Draft) Progress Path:
[ ] 5 core volunteers & 50 ‘email list’ members
[ ] Raise $2K (or collect donations) to make an 5-bike mobile Example Pod
[ ] Example Pod at 2+ events a month, and regular ‘pod-sitters’ to run it
[ ] Example Pod ‘Take to Ride’ event once a month / 50+ check-out’s a month
[ ] 10 board members, 100 ‘$2 monthly’, and 1,000 ‘email list’ members
[ ] Community Survey to pick the top 10 Pod locations
[ ] 1 Permanent DIY Pod at <TBD> & start fundraiser for commercial pod
[ ] 20 Purpose-built Pods Purchased, Installed.
[ ] Launch the non-Profit / LLC / B-Corp
Bike on
-Far McKon
P.S. If no one steps up after 6 months? The community doesn't want it enough. I'll shelve it. Then move onto another wacky plan to build community & make Delco more weird & kind & wonderful.